December 1st, 10AM
The Hanging of the Greens
A special service sharing the stories of familiar Christmas
traditions and how they relate to the birth of Christ.
Celebration of the Lord's Supper
Open to all who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Special music by the Carillons handbell choir.
December 8th, 10AM
Our musical celebration of Jesus' birth presented by our seasonal choir and worship musicians.
December 15th, 10AM
"Joy to the World!"
Led by our children and young people.
December 22nd, 10AM
Morning Worship
Special music by the Trinity Strings violin trio.
Cider and Cookies Fellowship to follow worship.
December 24th - Christmas Eve
Candlelight Service - 6PM
A time to draw a deep breath, set aside the holiday bustle,
and focus on the true gift of Christmas - Jesus.
Candles, carols and the story of Jesus' birth come together for a simple service of peace and joy.
First Presbyterian Church
2315 Placer St., Redding